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What The Medical Professionals Say

“This is a unique charity which allows health and community care workers, based in all the Paediatric Departments and hospitals in Northern Ireland, to nominate the sick children they feel most deserve such an amazing treat.

The health teams are all aware of the significant burden on carers and families who look after their child’s condition and
needs on a daily basis. Doctors, nurses and allied health professionals give up of their own time to volunteer to ensure that these children can experience a magical time in a safe environment whilst not forgetting the boost the trip gives to their self-confidence and mental well-being.

Of all the charities I have ever been involved with, NI Children to Lapland and Days to Remember Trust is definitely extra special.”.

Dr Mark Rollins MB FRCPCH MD DCH,

Senior Consultant Paediatrician and a trustee of the charity

“It is very difficult for people to understand what the lives of these families can be like, with constant appointments to and from doctors, constant medical problems, crises, emergencies and never ending requirements for hospital admission.

To have a day set aside, especially for them, where everything is laid on to fully experience the magic of Lapland, the magic of Christmas and meeting the real Santa is just terrific. Words can’t describe how wonderful the day is for them and what a privilege it is for those of us who have the opportunity to come and look after the children on their special day.

Dr. Michael Ledwith MB MRCP DCH

The more money we raise, the more children we can help!

(Please note: The hospitals are solely responsible for the selection of the children who travel on the trip. If you think your child would be eligible to go on one of our trips, we suggest you speak to your child’s consultant.)