Over the years, we have received so many wonderful comments, from grateful families, which are hugely gratifying for all those involved. From the Management Board and our volunteers, to our Corporate Partners and Supporters and all the way through to our those who make personal or
business donations, it is so rewarding to see what the trip means to so many people… and the comments help to underline that it is not only the children themselves who benefit.
The excitement ripples through the immediate family, of course, but let’s not forget the wider family, from the grandparents, the aunts and uncles and cousins to the wider community, the neighbours and the work colleagues and the school friends, all of whom get to see for the joy that the trip creates.
What The Families Say
The more money we raise, the more children we can help!
(Please note: The hospitals are solely responsible for the selection of the children who travel on the trip. If you think your child would be eligible to go on one of our trips, we suggest you speak to your child’s consultant.)